Bringing baby up bilingual

Remember that Blogger on Blogger challenge of Hybrid Rasta Mama‘s? Well you saw her fab post on the premature intellectualisation of our babies – but just in case you missed my post on her blog (on the same day… get it? :) here it is: and it is a kind of retrospective on why and how we went bilingual (which we didn’t do right from the very start) and what results we are seeing at this point (2 years in). Check it out and let me know what you think or, indeed, how your own bi-, tri- or multi-lingual experiment is going for you.

New Generation Fathers Co-Parent from the Heart – my guest post at Alternative Mama’s

I wrote an ode to the modern dad and it was posted, generously, by the ever-inspiring Alternative Mama. I was struck by how this generation of dads is so different from the one that preceded it – and this with no real role models to have shown them the way. Read the full article, here:

Guest Post: New Generation Fathers Co-Parent from the Heart | Alternative Mama.

Thanks Alternative Mama for hosting me. You rock!