There is no such thing as a weed, just a flower in the wrong garden

After mentioning the other day that I am practically the only person I know who is exclusively breastfeeding (no pump), I went to a La Leche League meeting, this week. Deep in-breath. I spoke to the facilitator who explained to me that the La Leche League, which I know by reputation and from consulting their website (, is dedicated to supporting women with natural breastfeeding, wherever possible. No expressing, no bottles, just you and your baby.

What a relief to find that I am not after all alone, the one woman who still wants to do it this way, in the whole of Silicon Valley. There are more of us, a silent movement of mothers doing what feels right (for as long as it feels right).

But hey, I’ve got to tell you, if I were to have a second child it is very likely that I will pump. As right as this has felt, it is hard work; it is a sacrifice even as it is a joy. Sometimes beautiful things take effort. Not sure I have the energy in me to do it twice. We’ll see. For now, I rejoice in having found sisters in natural nursing and finding, I am not, afterall, a ‘weed’.

in praise of breasts

Breasts – aren’t they great?! (no, not in that way, boys!)

I have had breasts for so many years and they just stood there, doing not very much at all, a bit of entertainment, that is all… and now, suddenly, when I needed them, they lept into action producing milk. This is all the more astonishing to me because I have always been so flat chested. Now it turns out I am actually over producing milk. It is great to know they are small but powerful!